
About Us

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Jay used to be a trader on Wall Street. Janet used to be a producer in advertising. And the only thing worse than the stress of those jobs, were the hangovers. So, they both decided to leave those lives behind and take up beekeeping. Yes, beekeeping. And maybe a little gardening. Which ultimately led to their current job, creating a product that helps the world cope with life’s stressors in a better, healthier way. All while supporting the vital beekeeping community, of course.

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Relative novices in the beverage industry, they weren’t taught that the only driver should be profits. They keep  reformulating Bimble in their quest to find the perfect, refreshing relaxing drink. And by George, we think they’ve found it! And aren't they the coolest seniorpreneurs you’ve ever met?

Sustainable to the Core

Realizing that glass bottles weren't the best fit for our beverage—too heavy, taking up too much space, and causing recycling headaches—we decided to switch to cans. This move wasn't just about ditching plastic and cutting down on shipping waste; it was also about embracing a sleek new look that we're proud of!

When we first launched Bimble in glass bottles, we thought we were making the most sustainable choice possible. But as we learned, sometimes you have to adapt. Turns out, aluminum cans are way more eco-friendly, with easier recycling and a lighter carbon footprint. Plus, they just look cooler, don't they?

Transitioning to cans allowed us to up our sustainability game even more. We swapped out those fiddly shrink labels for crisp digital prints and said goodbye to those plastic 'paktech' holders. Now, when you grab a Bimble off the shelf, you're not just getting a tasty drink—you're making an eco-friendly choice wrapped up in a beautiful package.